Occurrence-Based Coverage
The CCC Program is written on an occurrence
basis at very competitive rates. The
essential difference between occurrence and claims-made coverage is that
occurrence coverage responds to all claims occurring within the policy period,
regardless of when such claims are brought. A claims-made policy, in contrast, covers only claims arising and
reported during the period of the policy. Claims-made insurance offers a lower premium during the early years of
coverage, but this is offset by sharp premium increases after the first year. A typical physician's claims-made policy in
New York has a premium which rises to 85% of the occurrence rate at the third-year renewal and peaks at 105% in year 5 and thereafter. Even when a claims-made
policy is cancelled after only one year, the combined cost of the basic premium
and an extended reporting endorsement "tail" coverage is over 105% of the occurrence rate.
Prior Acts Protections (PAP)
A physician leaving a claims-made insurance program should purchase an extended reporting endorsement or "tail"
coverage from their expiring carrier to protect against late reported claims which otherwise may be
uncovered. The CCC Program offers Prior Acts Protection (PAP) coverage
to eligible physicians. A CCC PAP policy may be a cost-effective alternative to the expiring carrier's
"tail" coverage when a physician leaves a claims-made insurance program. CCC PAP coverage
provides standard CCC occurrence coverage with a Prior Acts Protection feature included.
PAP coverage provides limits of $1.3 million per medical incident with a $3.9 million total aggregate limit
for all covered ("retro") years combined. As such CCC PAP coverage is not always equivilent to the "tail" coverage
which may be available through the physician's expiring carrier. Physicians joining the CCC program are encouraged to
compare "tail" coverage costs and limits available from their expiring carrier with CCC program
PAP premium and coverage limits prior to joining the CCC program.
Purchase of CCC PAP coverage requires a three-year obligation to
remain in the regular CCC Program of insurance.
PAP premium is charged quarterly over the three year committment period, and is in addtion to the regular annual occurrence
policy premium. After the three-year obligatory enrollment, and upon full satisfaction of the PAP premium, PAP coverage will
remain in effect at no additional charge. PAP
coverage is available to qualifying physicians in all specialties except
neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, general surgery including bariatric surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics and
neonatology unless specifically approved by the sponsor hospital. Physicians in all other specialties
are eligible to apply for PAP.
To apply for Prior Acts Protection coverage a standard CCC
application is used, but it must be accompanied by a signed
Prior Acts Protection Addendum and a copy of the Declarations Page
from the physician's current malpractice insurance policy.